We believe no one really needs an introduction to salary. We just gain immeasurable pleasure when it is that time of the month to receive our salary, don’t we? For the impatient blokes, we’ll immediately get into further details behind the origin of the word. Many centuries ago, salt was truly treasured and people had figured by then, that the ingredient improved flavor ten fold. So, Roman soldiers worth their salts were given money- a salarium to buy salt. We now know where the term “worth their salt” truly originates from. As time flew by, salarium (derived from the Latin word Salarius ‘of salt’) started being known as money received by the soldiers. As people started getting lazier and less creative, the term broadened, and it started being recognized as money paid to anyone in general. Receiving salary is sweet, but knowing the origin of the term leads us to question the taste buds of the people back then.                                                                       

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