Miley Cyrus has gone from sweet child actress to wild child in a couple of years. No one seems to remember Hannah Montana anymore. Mention Miley and everyone conjures up an image of a protruding tongue and strange tweaking moves. Her music and she herself are very popular though and her tours are taking her all over the globe. It was during a tour through Europe in 2009 that she saw something in a hotel that scared her so much, she and her family immediately upped and left.
Miley told US Magazine that a London flat she was renting during the tour apparently came with a ghost or two. Her sister Noah was in the shower one evening when suddenly the water turned scalding hot and burned her skin. Noah screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Miley to rush into the bathroom to see her little sister looking as if she had been sunburned. The knob on the shower had inexplicably turned to hot without Noah touching it.
Miley herself saw a little boy in the bathroom watching her take a shower. She told the magazine that the boy was seated on the sink, just looking at her while nonchalantly kicking his feet in the air. Cyrus decided to look into the history of the flat and discovered that it was a bakery once before the entire building was turned into flats. The owner and his son lived there until the man died. Miley is convinced she saw the spirit of the son in the bathroom.